Ocean Winds, a joint-venture between EDP Renewables and ENGIE, and Banque des Territoires fostering the energy transition in France, announced their joint participation to the AO7 South Atlantic tender in France, featuring 1 GW bottom fixed capacity.
Partners for years in the development of renewable energies in France, Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires have a rich history of collaboration in France, with currently three offshore wind projects under construction: the “Dieppe Le Tréport” and “Îles d’Yeu and Noirmoutier” bottom fixed offshore wind farms, and the “Éoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion” (EFGL) floating wind pilot project. Based on this shared experience of a total capacity under construction of more than 1GW, Banque des Territoires and Ocean Winds already extended their cooperation early 2023 to participate into the French AO6 tender, and they are now expanding this collaboration with a joint participation in the AO7 South Atlantic tender.
Capitalizing on the vast potential of its coastal regions, the French government is moving forward the growth of offshore wind energy within the country, following the goal of achieving 40 GW of installed capacity by 2050. Determined to keep on supporting the achievement of this goal, Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires’s joint bid will be based on the mobilization of the Banque des Territoires on the national territory in the service of the energy transition, and Ocean Winds’ global and national expertise of owner, developer and operator of offshore wind projects worldwide.
Their joint experience of national and local supply chain enhancement for the “Dieppe Le Tréport” and “Îles d’Yeu and Noirmoutier” bottom fixed offshore wind farms, the latter having already used La Rochelle Harbour as marshalling, will be determinant in promoting local opportunities and creating jobs, as well as fostering a sustainable industry within the country.
Marc Hirt, Country Manager for Ocean Winds in France, expressed: “We are delighted to announce the expansion of our partnership with Banque des Territoires for our participation in AO7. Considering our joint journey since 2014, and our common dedication to enhancing local opportunities and coexistence with communities and other sea users, this extension of our partnership seemed like a logical progression. Our commitment with the local stakeholders, which is instrumental for our currently three projects under construction, will remain a central pillar as we venture into AO7 – where we will specially focus on the engagement with the fisheries for responsible and sustainable offshore development, as well as with local actors, to support the progress of the industry in France and local employment. Finally, our experience will also be key for developing a project taking fully into account environmental characteristics of the area.”
Emmanuel Legrand, Director of the Energy and Ecological Transition at Banque des Territoires, said: “The deployment of offshore wind capacity needs to keep the pace, and we are at Banque des Territoires committed to contribute to this first project off the South Atlantic French coast, capitalising on our common experience with Ocean Winds on the bottom fixed “Dieppe Le Tréport” and “Îles d’Yeu et Noirmoutier” projects currently under construction.”
The partnership between Ocean Winds and Banque des Territoires is exclusive for a joint response to the AO7 South Atlantic tender launched by the State in December 2022, which is expected to be awarded in 2024.