International Women in Engineering Day – Caroline Le Floch

Caroline Le Floch

Tell us about your career so far

I’ve always been passionate about boats, the sea. Being an artistic person, it came obvious to me to lean my studies towards becoming a naval architect. This has then brought me to work in France, my home country, and abroad, on the design of various types of floating structures and on huge and complicated fabrication projects of international scale.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

Being part of a project team, being part of a project that is currently under construction and will soon be a floating offshore wind farm “for real”, one of the first to be installed in France.

What excites you about being part of the team leading EFGL?

EFGL is a very challenging project that will allow us to move forward in our journey to bring floating wind technology to commercial scale, so it is very exciting for me to be able to contribute to this project and to be able to live this experience in person.

Does France have the engineering capacity needed to reach offshore wind targets?

Offshore wind is a fabulous topic full of new technologies to be developed, issues to be overcome. Both young engineers eager to take up the challenges of the renewable energies, and qualified engineers having the extensive knowledge of oil & gas structure design and installation can contribute to the success of the development of the offshore wind sector.

It’s International Women in Engineering Day. How have you found your career as a woman in the energy industry so far?

I have actually been surprised by the way I was welcomed and integrated as a woman in all the teams I have worked with, whether in France or abroad, engineering teams or construction teams. There are also more and more groups of women in energy building up and creating a strong network.

What can be done to encourage more women and girls to consider a renewable energy career?

I would tell these girls and women: Allow yourself to believe in your capabilities, your talent. Renewable energies need your mindset. Never think it will be too hard for you.

What advice would you give to those starting their career in offshore wind?

Enjoy the moment. This is an incredible phase to be part of, one that you will always remember in your career.


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